PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) ® - Exam Simulators & Review Questions

Maximize your chance to pass the PMI-ACP exam! This question bank provides sample questions and mock exams to help you grasp core concepts and simulate real exam conditions effectively.


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Why Bakkah?

Money Guaranteed
Global Accreditation
Flexible Learning
  • Identify Gaps and weaknesses.
  • Glimpse of Exam - the question bank will help you find your weak spots and help you fill them.
  • Boost Confidence - With all knowledge gap filled, you will be more confident & you’ll be familiar of the question you will see in the real exam.
  • Clarify Concepts - Solving these questions will help you understand the concepts easily.
  • Test Your Readiness - Attempting these questions will let you know if you are ready for the exam.
  • Executive or Senior-Level Practitioner
  • Program Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Chief Project Officers
  • Project Management Officers
  • Executive Managers


  • A self-practice product that helps you to be ready for the real exam.
  • PMI-ACP Exam Simulators consists of 10 exam simulators of 120 questions and 3 hours long for each.
  • The number of questions, timing and score are the same as the real exam.
  • Each question in this self-assessment test has feedback with rationale
  • PMI-ACP Exam Simulators Includes Exam Outline
  • Resources and Tips to prepare for the exam


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