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Artificial Intelligence In HR - Impact on Human Resources - Bakkah Learning

The first thing that may come to one’s mind when hearing the term artificial intelligence is robots. However, artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions, and its applications are endless. Artificial Intel...

26 Jun 2024
Top 7 Basic Quality tools fir your Career! - Bakkah Learning

Modern global challenges make organizations follow an organized scientific approach to face the challenges and invest in active human potential to achieve the requested goals with more efficiency and effectiveness, the huge development of the century, made organizations use a lot of statistical, and...

What Is Enterprise Risk Management?

Risk is defined by the PMI as an "uncertain event or circumstance, and if it occurs, there is a positive or negative impact on the project objectives." These events include unforeseen circumstances, situations, and threats that affect the project's progress in the desired manner. If you go back to ...
