Articles Hub - Learn All About Professional Certifications - Bakkah Learning

What Is Enterprise Risk Management?

Risk is defined by the PMI as an "uncertain event or circumstance, and if it occurs, there is a positive or negative impact on the project objectives." These events include unforeseen circumstances, situations, and threats that affect the project's progress in the desired manner. If you go back to ...

Business Philosophies - Top 8 Philosophies Of Business

As an entrepreneur, it may take you years to find your own path for both your work and personal life, and you’ll still continue learning as long as you live. The most important lesson you may learn about entrepreneurship is to get the world’s news. Knowledge is power, and staying connect...

What is E-Learning? - Guide to Pros, Cons & Future

The Era we are living in is rapidly evolving in all fields as a result of the development of technical means and products, which allow all the people around the world to communicate without borders, this evolution reflects every aspect of our life, especially the learning sector, now anyone in any f...
