COBIT®5 Foundation Certification Training Course
The COBIT®5 Foundation certification enhances IT governance and management skills. This course integrates modern principles and practices to boost the value and trust in enterprise information systems globally.
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What to expect from this COBIT®5 Foundation Course?
Obtaining the Foundation qualification will show that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance. COBIT 5 helps enterprises of all sizes:
- Maintain high-quality information to support business decisions.
- Achieve strategic goals and realize business benefits through the effective and innovative use of IT.
- Achieve operational excellence through reliable, efficient application of technology.
- Maintain IT-related risk at an acceptable level.
- Optimize the cost of IT services and technology.
- Support compliance with relevant laws, regulations, contractual agreements, and policies.
Who Needs to get the COBIT®5 Foundation Certification?
COBIT 5 is aimed at organizations of all sizes and all sectors. It is ideal for professionals involved in assurance, security, risk, privacy/compliance, and business leaders and stakeholders involved in or affected by governance and management of information and IT systems, such as:
- IT Managers
- IT Quality Professionals
- IT Auditors
- IT Consultants
- IT Developers
- IT Operational Management executives
- ΙT Business Leadership Management executives
- Managers in IT Service providing firms
COBIT®5 Foundation Online Training
- 4 Days
- Exam Simulation
- Group Activity (Break-out Session) after each lesson
- Practice Test
- Access to additional References – Glossary/ Recommended Reading/ Syllabus
- Material language will be in English
COBIT®5 Foundation Exam Prerequisite
There are no mandatory prerequisites; however, work experience in governance, process improvement or IT services is recommended.
COBIT®5 Certification Exam Format
- Multiple Choice Examination Questions
- 50 questions
- 25 marks required to pass (out of 50 available): 50%
- 40 minutes duration
- Closed book
Course Inclusions
Overview & Key Features of COBIT 5
- The business case for COBIT 5
- The key differences between COBIT 4.1 and COBIT 5
COBIT5 Principles
- Principle 1: Meeting Stakeholder Needs
- Principle 2: Covering the Enterprise End to End
- Principle 3: Applying a Single Integrated Framework
- Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach
- Principle 5: Separating Governance From Management
COBIT 5 Enablers
- Enabler 1: Principles, Policies, and Frameworks
- Enabler 2: Processes
- Enabler 3: Organizational Structures
- Enabler 4: Culture, Ethics and Behavior
- Enabler 5: Information
- Enabler 6: Services, Infrastructure, and Applications
- Enabler 7: People, Skills, and Competencies
Introduction to COBIT 5 Implementation
- Introduction to Implementation
- Phase 1: What are the Drivers?
- Phase 2: Where are we now?
- Phase 3: Where do we want to be?
- Phase 4: What needs to be done?
- Phase 5: How do we get there?
- Phase 6: Did we get there?
- Phase 7: How do we keep the momentum going?
Process Capability Assessment Model
- Essential elements of the model
- Differences between the COBIT 4.1 Maturity Model and the COBIT 5 Process Capability Model
- Performing a capability assessment
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Self-paced allows you to take the course on your own schedule for a period of up to one year from the date of purchase. You will be provided with structured contact hours and instructor support, if needed.
Yes. Our self-paced programs are designed to include interactive training modules, chapter exercises, practice test, case studies and additional references such as glossary, recommended readings, and more in our LMS.
You will receive an email notification with course access instructions.
Our self-paced courses are built on an intuitive platform that utilizes a menu function (Next and Back) to allow you to quickly navigate through the course. Courses consist of pre-course reading, training materials, chapter exercises and additional reference materials. The courses conclude with a final examination.
Yes. Each course includes downloadable reference materials such as, Glossary, Appendix, Case Study, recommended readings, etc.
No. Self-paced value lies at conveniently completing the course at your own pace. Meaning that, you can complete a course in one day or take up to one year to complete it. There is no limit as to how many times you can stop and start the course.
To receive credit for a self-paced course, you will need to complete the final examination achieving a score of 70% or higher within one year of purchase.
You can access your certificate in the LMS under My Certification section.
You have access to the course up to one year at no extra cost. You can take the final exam as many times as necessary to successfully complete the course.
You can use the Send Message option in the LMS to send your queries.